I just finished reading Interrupted: An Adventure in Relearning the Essentials of Faith by Jen Hatmaker. I highly recommend it, especially if you are seeking God's plan for your life/future. Here are some of the highlights that stood out to me:
- Change is a fact of life. ...whether it comes from a revolution, a movement or a ripple. Change is a reality, and we're living right in the middle of it.
- God does not change, but he uses change - to change us.
- Jesus didn't just host and serve the meal; He became the meal.
- Brokenness hurts.
- In order for God's Kingdom to come, my kingdom has to go.
- He is the new I was craving when I realized my heart was dry.
- This vision is not for here. There's already a vision here. I'm giving you a new one.
- I discovered the journey was not only about something new but also about being willing to go even before we knew where we were going.
- Part of our task was going without knowing. As much as we wanted clear marching orders, the command was: Tell first, find clarity later.
- Never have we stood with such open hands, clinging to nothing, ready for anything.
- There is a freedom in not being in control, when something utterly imagined by God is coming for you. It's exciting, sort of awful.
- It is not your responsibility to explain what God is doing with your life. Turn loose and let God be God.
- This is not just about doing church; it's about being the church.
- Church is not a place you go, it's a people you belong with.
- Living on mission where you've been sent will transform your faith journey.
This sums up what's going on with us right now. Something else Jen said she learned through her own journey was that He will tell us what we need to know when we need to know it. I find great peace in that truth.